Saturday, February 12, 2011

one from her

One year after they were married.

King, Ark.
June 4, 1897

My Dearest,

I was so glad to hear from you yesterday. I was afraid you would not write any more until you got to Marshall. I am getting along as well as anyone could. I can't be exactly well all the time. I wanted you to be here last night because I was sick, and couldn't sleep, but this morning I am all right and glad that you are where you can do the work your heart delights in. I wish I could be with you in your work and be benefited by it, but that could not be and so I'm happy anyway. I think everything is getting along nicely at home. Of course things happen that worry me but I think all will be right in the end. I love (torn out) and Belle better, if (torn out) than I ever did. I must write to Charlie today. Darling, I want to be a help to you and not a hindrance and I want you to tell me just what I ask you. Will you? Anything you say will please me. I need a new wrapper, and I can get a nice one for eighty cents. There is some pretty Swiss here and if I were to get a dress of it would (torn out) be pretty and then - now laugh - I can make the baby a dress of it. It is 12 and a half cents a yd. Tell me all about it dear. I am not wanting either if I ought not to have them. Tell you girl if she is getting too extravagant and she won't want a thing. It is too wet to work in the garden today, but tomorrow I am going to see what I can do.

Please write to your girl everyday. I was sick yesterday or I would not have felt bad at all. I felt all right after I got your letter. I can not tell you how glad I am that you found your uncle and cousins. I wish I could see those boys. I feel as though your trip was not all lonely. Write to Helen. Write soon oh very soon to your own girl,


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