Sunday, July 20, 2008

sleepy sunday series

Missy Foo and I had a nice sleepy Sunday afternoon. She's my little shadow around the house and she loves it when it's time for a little snooze. She usually sleeps in the same position as I do, as seen here. And, she has to be leaning up against me at all times. Just sleeping next to me is not close enough.
My little buddy...


Pretending to sleep, but keeping an eye on the camera.

Never too tired to pose.


Julie @ Belle Maison said...

Oh, she's the cutest! She's just like my little Oliver - always has to be right niext to me and loves to cuddle. Thank God for our kitties keeping us company on these somewhat lonely days :)

please sir said...

Aww how cute! Makes me want to take a nap now. Hey, if you don't mind me asking - how is the job hunt going?

s.i. michaels said...

That 2nd shot is hysterical.