Friday, March 14, 2008

carbon offset sweetness

Together with TerraPass, Bloomsberry & Co. offers Climate Change Chocolate & it actually tastes good! For every chocolate bar purchased TerraPass will purchase 133 lbs. of verified carbon offsets (the average American's daily carbon impact). Balance your carbon emissions while eating chocolate - brilliant!
I'm currently a big supporter of Endangered Species Chocolate (have one in my desk drawer at all times), which donates 10% of net profits to help support species, humanity, and habitat. But, I may have to start rotating between that and Climate Change Chocolate.
Ha - so much for good old fashioned Hershey's.
Eat up America!


Monika said...

I'm sure Al Gore eats them all the time.

Secretista said...

You can never go wrong with chocolate!

bigglassesgirl said...

I was at ten thousand villages today and they have matcha green tea chocolate.