Thursday, March 6, 2008

tighten your purse strings madame bovary

While we are all too smart to spend extravagantly on credit & commit suicide via arsenic when we can't pay our debts, I must admit to indulging in Madame Bovary moments from time to time.
A certain Badgley Mishka dress comes to mind...
Well, it's time to get it together sister!
The economy is certainly not supporting my shopping habit (although I am doing my share) and my job security is not what it once was. The recession is here, officially or not, and it's time to act accordingly. Although the mere thought of cutting down on shopping throws me into a full-blown anxiety attack, I'm finding ways to conserve without compromising my inner fashionista.
My approach will be to spend less on more.
Focusing on quality classics and getting my trend fix with accessories.
I've always been pretty good about avoiding expensive items that will be so-last-season in no time by going towards vintage-inspired looks instead. I've found that vintage has staying power & is easy to pair with more modern/trendy accessories for a fresh look. And, let's not forget about the sale racks! I try to hit the sale racks in my favorite stores first, before falling in love with an item at full price. It's amazing what you can find on sale & oh the thrill of a good bargain! My favorite online sources for sales are &

A lesson learned from my bff:
If you are going to wear something cheap, always pair it with something expensive.
For example, a cheap top from Urban Outfitters should be paired with a more expensive pair of jeans or trousers. And, always wear good jewelry (family heirlooms are my favorite) & great shoes (of course).
Good advise for maintaining a chic look on a tighter budget.

Happy shopping (yes, it can still be happy)!

image credit: here


Anonymous said...

It is a struggle not to get sucked into the wonder of the shiney tat on Forever 21's web site but even in time's of plenty, I try to only buy pieces I absolutely an't walk away from that are of good quality. It's just a good habit to have with everything.

Also, I'm suddenly grateful for my gym. Though there was a guy the other day who kept dramatically dropping his free weights to the floor when he was done with his reps.

Anonymous said...

shopping on a budget can be done...remember our digs and treasures...we scored major labels crazy high fashion pieces for next to nothing. and the splurge items...oh yes those splurge items.

my own challenge has been that motherhood gives me little time to shop...and taking a bambina to a boutique is stressful. so the clothes shopping has to be quick...forget about dressing rooms. online has been a savior. etsy for bags and jewels, target for the basics--tanks, work pants and the jovovich hawk line is uber cute...i just got a few pieces the other day. oh and can't forget buffalo X for scores on jeans. anyway i do feel motherhood nips shopping addiction in the's been a long long time since i bought marc jacobs at full price.
