Wednesday, May 7, 2008

yes, more poetry!

poetry by sofidofi

Two of my very favorites.....

by Alice Pettway

Water slides across my breath,
seeps into my upturned lips and eyes,
tastes of metal.
My hands slip against the glass doors,
slick and opaque with steam.
I have twisted closed the cold water knob,
and still the skin will not slip from my bones.

Snake Charmer
by Alice Pettway

Your eyes were full of sand dunes.
I burrowed through them
searching for your sarcophagus
and found it full of peach pits and old photographs.
My toothbrush has been staring at your bottle of cologne
for an insufferable amount of time,
I keep intending to throw it off the balcony.
I was studying to be a snake charmer.
You were my first subject, but refused to come out of the basket;
perhaps it was because I can only play three notes on my pungi.
At night, I poke my legs up under the sheet
so you can fan me with palm leaves in my silk-tent mirage.
I lie crossways: buckle together the two sides of my bed.
They have a disturbing tendency to separate themselves into his and hers.


Julie @ Belle Maison said...

Fantastic poems! I've read a bit of the book you gave me - I'd like to read more of it though and possibly post a great poem on my blog as well.

Anonymous said...

oh the snake charmer poem is so fabulous. reminds me of a certain kind of poetry i loved during my poetess-in-training heyday.

nice find!